
This is our neck of the woods and so Rita and I deem ourselves experts in the best places to play, walk and eat!

Play: Dog Days NI Rita has been attending Dog Days NI doggy daycare once/twice a week for most of the time I’ve had her. Based on the Glenville Rd in Newtownabbey, it was handy to drop her off on the “old normal” commute to Belfast. They also offer a pickup and drop-home service which we avail of now.  I know Rita genuinely enjoys it as she gets excited simply journeying up the road towards it. 

Celebrating Charlie’s birthday at daycare

Celebrating Charlie’s birthday at daycare

Nothing going on here…

Nothing going on here…

The daycare is open from 7.30am-6pm Monday to Friday, and in “normal” times they offer an evening/weekend indoor play park, where you just turn up and pay on arrival. The daycare must be booked in advance (via their convenient online booking system) and first your dog must undergo an induction session to verify their suitability. All daycare employees are pet first-aid trained and dogs are separated with regards to size and temperament. Check their Facebook page for up-to-date information on services and opening times.

In addition to the daycare and play park, Dog Days also offers an in-house groomers, a shop (which you can browse and purchase from online at Oh Doggy) and coffee bar for the humans! They usually offer regular training courses, one of which Rita and I attended a couple of years ago. We learned a lot, from walking at heel to fun tricks and an introduction to the agility equipment.

Rita with her buddies at daycare

Rita with her buddies at daycare

Other play: The outdoor dog park at Valley Park offers enclosed off-lead areas, segregated for large and small dogs, with agility equipment and water stations. There is also a walking route of about 1.5 miles.

Walk: Hazelbank One of our favourite haunts , Hazelbank Park offers a variety of terrain: footpaths, grassy areas, beach/sea and a wider less-busy path alongside the motorway. We also regularly walk down to Loughshore Park and back for a longer walk. 

We usually park in one of 3 carparks: the main Hazelbank car park, Whiteabbey Green, or Loughshore Park (all free). Depending on our starting point, we walk along the seafront at Newtownabbey Bay Beach, or along the beach itself if the tide is out or if Rita wants a paddle. We then either continue alongside the road, past Whiteabbey village, on to Loughshore Park and loop round at the children’s playpark, or in the other direction, walk from Hazelbank alongside the M5, joining the Belfast to Newtownabbey Greenway. Also on this side, under the bridge, is Gideon’s Green where you can do another loop or play fetch!

Hazelbank also offers climbing

Hazelbank also offers climbing

At the main Hazelbank car park, there are toilets, picnic/BBQ areas, and on a hot day, an ice cream van! There’s also a tap with a water bowl for the dogs. This walking spot is worth travelling to, and its proximity to the motorway makes it easy to reach from any direction.

Views across to Holywood

Views across to Holywood

The Belfast-Newtownabbey Greenway

The Belfast-Newtownabbey Greenway

Walk: Glen Park - Monkstown Wood Glen Park is an urban parkland, part of the Newtownabbey Way, and so offers a 2.5 mile walk up to Monkstown Wood and back, or if you have more time, you can walk the whole 4.3 miles to Corrs Corner! The walk takes you under Bleach Green viaducts which makes for a lovely photo opportunity. Glen Park is under threat from housing developers, which the local residents have been campaigning against. They have put a lot of effort into creating a community area, with flower beds, tree swings, fairy doors and mini golf.

At the entrance to Glen Park

At the entrance to Glen Park

The path is mostly tarmacked, with some trails through more grassy areas and woodland, and the Six Mile Water River runs through the forest if your dog would like a dip. Rita’s fine off-lead in this area. I usually park at Whiteabbey Community Centre or in Whiteabbey village. 

Eat: Sozos Jordanstown Sozo allows dogs in their beer garden. We booked a table for a Saturday night and were very welcome. All the staff loved the dogs and provided them with water. I tied Rita onto the table but she insisted she sit up on the bench beside me, and we didn’t get told off! The food was also delicious. As a vegetarian, I chose the veggie dahl burger and sweet potato fries. My friends also treated themselves to a tipple. We would definitely go back.

Sozo Jordanstown

Sozo Jordanstown

Bruce out with the ladies

Bruce out with the ladies

Bruce and Rita got a table to themselves

Bruce and Rita got a table to themselves

Other: The Bureau Bar (outdoor seating area, but you can’t book a table specifically outside), Barista Coffee House at Loughshore Park. Mauds ice-cream (not dog friendly, but can takeout!).

She got to lick the pot


Air Canada: Dublin-Toronto


Antrim and NI Food/Craft Festival