Winterlit at Mountsberg

Every weekend from the end of December to the end of February 2022, Conservation Halton ran the Winterlit festival at Mountsberg Conservation Area. Rita and I attended on the final weekend, which was the Family Day long weekend and hence a special Enchanted Evening schedule was in place, with live music, food trucks and a marketplace.

It was an educational outing for Rita

We arrived at Mountsberg in the afternoon to fit in some hiking before the festival. There are over 16km of trails, so plenty to choose from. We did the Pioneer Creek and Lakeshore Lookout Trails. There was some winter maintenance at the beginning but it got quite snowy the further in we went and some snowshoes would have been useful! There were a few XC skiers too. The Pioneer Creek Trail was mostly through picturesque forest and crosses a road in the middle. There are a few optional loops to make it longer if you so desire. The Lakeshore Lookout gave us views of the reservoir, through the trees, and at the lookout point we were able to admire the snow-covered expanse. There were a few steep hills on this trail too, you have been warned!

The trails at Mountsberg are well marked, and there were lots of other activities on offer, and although not particularly dog-friendly, would make a great family day out. These include horse-drawn wagon rides, wildlife viewing and the Raptor bird centre. However, when we visited, the animals seemed to be inside or the centre was closed due to time of year or the pandemic.

Darkness soon fell and we were ready for Winterlit! We began by walking the light trail and admiring the inspiring signs and the pretty paper lanterns strung among the trees. We took the opportunity at the end of the trail to sit down at a campfire and watch a fire-dancer! Then we moved onto the Illuminated Sugarbush Trail, and took in some mellow music by Brooklyn Doran. There was even beer and wine on offer, and fresh popcorn or grilled cheese. We finished the day with a browse of the indoor market. It was a lovely day out for Family Day!

Winterlit Map - Halton Conservation Area


Winterfest and East Hamilton


Dundas, ON